Resources for Job Corps Staff/Advanced Training Point of Contact
We have open entry dates which means we are always accepting new students into the program. The application and transfer process takes about four weeks from start to finish.
Step 1
If you have a student who is interested in our advanced training program, have them complete the online application by clicking APPLY in the header above. Then, submit the following paperwork to your respective Regional Coordinator via Job Corps email:
ETA 640
Case Notes
Student Conduct Profile
Step 2
Phone interviews will be arranged for qualified candidates with a Regional Coordinator. If this initial interview is successful, the Regional Coordinator will issue a TCU/IAM acceptance letter and email it to the Center Director and the Point of Contact at the sending center. All relevant parties at the receiving center will be copied on the acceptance letter.
A checklist of additional required documentation will be sent to the Point of Contact at the sending Job Corps Center. The Point of Contact will gather the required supporting documentation and forward it to the receiving Job Corps Center for review; this will include, but is not limited to, the medical summary, TAR cover sheet and regional approval email.
Step 3
A second informal interview will be arranged with a TCU/IAM staff member from the desired training location. During this interview, students can learn about all aspects of the program and campus life.
If the receiving Job Corps Center accepts the trainee for transfer, they will set the student’s transfer date based on availability and email a letter of transfer to the sending center. The sending Job Corps Center will make travel arrangements for the student to transfer on the agreed upon date.
Regional Coordinators
Atlanta & Chicago Regions
Jason Dreis
San Francisco Region
Paul Dickinson
helpful links And downloads
All Staff Training 2024
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